Friday, May 23, 2008

Tora! Tora! Tora!


I sprang up from the bed like a spring coil!

‘What?’ my half asleep wife asked

‘Shhh…’ I replied

‘Oh no,’ she said, as she read my mind and turned to the other side.

I slipped out of bed stealthily and slipped into my battle gear in near total darkness. Soon, I was all done. Before leaving the room, I whispered to my wife:

‘Whatever happens, don’t open the door’ Sounded like a dialogue from one of horror movies, just before the final confrontation scene. Without making a sound, I opened the bedroom door and peered into kitchen.


Should have left the lights on. A tactical mistake, I realized. Can monkeys see at night? Damn, I did not Google that one! Too late now.

I tip toed towards kitchen, strangulating the baton in my hand from time to time. I could hear my heavy breathing amplified inside the helmet. Slowly I reached for the kitchen light switch and flashed it on, ready for the final flourish. But, the kitchen was empty. False alarm. ‘Thud’ the window banged against the wall, confirming it.

As I turned to go back, something I saw scared the life out of me! Standing very near to me was a creature, possibly from outer space. It had an oversized, black, shiny head and a puffed up upper body with a long, thick stick in hand! I almost swung the stick in my hand involuntarily before realizing it was my reflection and I was about to crash my mirror!

I checked my look in the mirror in various angles and poses and finally smiled. I knew just how to scare the monkeys next time they come around! Ha!

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