Monday, June 30, 2008

Beautiful World - Lyrics

'Beautiful World' is a song I had composed sometime back. Its a sarcastic look at the way we humans live in this world - without a care for other beings, concerned only with 'my beautiful world' Here is the lyric; someday I hope to present this song and the video!

It’s a beautiful world,

Dark clouds above.

I’ve got blood on the ground,

In my beautiful world.

So much to win,

I’ve got nothing to lose.

While you’re running away,

From my beautiful world.

Look in my eyes,

Do you see what I want.

Now you give it to me,

‘cause its my beautiful world.

What do I care,

What do you want.

I just want it my way,

In my beautiful world.

Global Cooling!

Global Warming is a hoax!

That’s the other side of the story. Interesting.

This is a good thing while you do an online search, we get to hear both sides of the story.

The story goes something like this:

The warming is not caused by humans, it was caused by sun spots and solar flares in the 80’s and the 90’s and it stopped by 1998. And in any case, earth will take its course of warming and cooling. In fact, these people claim that earth has been cooling for the past Ten years straight. Global Cooling, anyone?

If that may be the case, then why would anyone cook up Global Warming theories?

The answer according to the Global Cooling theorists is that, global warming is a devious wealth-redistribution plan by the UN and the rest of the world against the US! Basically how it works is like this: The taxation on carbon emission will be higher for developed nations (read US) than others. The tax amount collected thus will be utilized for the betterment of developing nations. This, they say is what Karl Marx would have approved of happily, in other words this is the modern day version of Socialism and Communism according to these group. No wonder then that US and Australia are the only two nations which has not signed on the Kyoto Treaty (It’s a treaty which commits industrialised nations to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, principally Carbon Dioxide, by around 5.2% below their 1990 levels over the next decade.)

As it is we are overwhelmed by the concept of Global Warming, now we have to deal with the politics of it all too? Well, this is my line of thinking. True, earth will take its own course, a law of the jungle if you please. But, the fact also is that, we humans are blessed (or is it cursed) with brains! Our intelligence has developed so much that the law of the jungle does not apply to us anymore. Just as we marvel the progress of man kind, we also need to look back and see the trail of destruction we leave behind in the form of extinct species of animal and plant kingdom, thanks to our greed and ignorance. Our greatest ignorance could be what we do to the earth itself.

Leave the politics aside. Think for yourself. Be kind to mother earth.